Success story of Philipp Weber

Father and author

+ ph-weber


1. Family: It's a lot of typical daily tasks. Organize the household with two kids. For most of these things you doesn't need a program like Nimbus. But what's good is, I can note, where I put all the instructions from LEGO.

2. Author: This is, where I use programs like Nimbus most. I write short stories, content for web pages and my own blog also needs a lot of text. 10000 + x sheets of paper with notes that you never found again. So I try Evernote, OneNote, Nimbus, Google Keep, Obsidian, Simple Notes and Joplin.

3. Don't know the English word. "Elternbeirat" it's called in German. As a parent you are supposed to work with the Kindergarten, organize parties and so on. You have a large group of parents to communicate with. When you share documents with Whatsapp or similar things, it's not ideal.


If you use Word, the people have to sign in to a Microsoft account. If you use Notion, some browsers (tested it with Edge and Vivaldi) warn you, that you open an unsecure page. If you use Whatsapp, a lot of people can't find the link after a few new posts. You can use Evernote. You can use Nimbus. My favorite so far was OneNote. Mostly, because - well it's free. And it's a lot faster than the new Evernote 10 and as Nimbus also. But it's lack of sharing abilities is bad. I don't want to use so much programs.


As I mentioned before, the sharing is better than in the most other programs. I shared a document with text, pdf's and pictures to a group of 36 people and get no complaints.

If you create content as well, check Blog Post Template. With this template, you can lay out all parts of the post—pictures, headers, and text.

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“Nimbus simplified my life and the dream to go paperless is not so far away.”

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“Nimbus note is an excellent tool for writing help docs that I can share with my clients.”

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Andrew Gibbs

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“With Nimbus Notes I can easily find information with my folder system. I have definitively reduced time spent on administrative work.”

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